Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wow its been awhile! I am commiting to writing in this everyday, I need to write in this everyday. Yesterday was a great day here on the farm. Though we are done with Winter and anxious for the snow to let up so we can get outside more often!
Yesterday we decided to try and make doughnuts. While they really didnt turn out like dougnuts at all, more like chocolate grease balls, but it was so much fun trying. Tyler speant alot of time yesterday reading his library books. We found this old native american colouring book on our book shelves in the library and decided to photocoopy some of the native drawings in it and colour them. They turned out so amazing. It was so cool. Its amazing how many colours can be incorporated in them! Even Oliver took part in the colouring. Heather learnt to kniot yesterday! She ius currently knitting a barbie scarf. Ashleigh started sewng as well yesterday. I started her on hand sewing . She is making this really cool pillow with buttons alll over it. She put the buttons on first and is now in the process of sewing the sides. Life here on the farm is pretty simple really. Like I said though, we are REALLY anxious for Winter to let up so we can get back to the "lazy" days of summer. I cn remeber the grass and the gardens and and and....*smiles*
Were almost there.
The Walkers.