Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wow what a couple of days its been here on the homestead. Weddings, weddigns everywhere and then a computer blowup, we now have a new reliable computer , woho. The kids have been busy with tons of different things. I cant even put into words all the exciting things they are doing.
Last night , at about 8pm Tyler decided he was going to learn to divide, or how he calls it multiply backwards. by 8:30 he was dividing. By 9:00 he was dividing double digit numbers with no stress. It was amazing to watch becuase I rmebere when I was in school feeling so angry, sad and fustrated with myself because of division. For some reason it was such an object of stress for me. It was proably becuase, which I remeber as clear as day, the teacher was in such a hurry to ÉteachÉ it , I felt I was in a hurry to learn it. Still to this day I second guess myself when it comes to division. Actully I have the same feeling for multiplication. Math really is an abject of fear for me. It was cool to watch Tyler learn to divide and be able to laugh and cheer himself on. With lots of cheering from me of His gameboard he is making is coming along well as well. He has got all the ahchor cards made. Its going to be a good game I think.
We started our family newletter again this month. We figured since we purchased this new computer , it would be good to put it to some use. The first month turned out alright. The kids are looking forward to planning for next month so they have more to contribute. It was fun putting it together though.
Tyler has also been reading alot of the goosebump books lately and started playing a new computer role game thing. Lord of the Rings. It looks very cool and he understands what he is suppose to be doing, I jsut look at it and shrug becuase I have no idea what to do.
Ashleigh is getting closer and closer to the end of the Grade two book she is working on. I find it funny that she loves book work so much where Tyler doesn.t. Ash loves sitting down and working on page work.I think she loves getting to the end of it rather then the actul doing though. Plus she loves challenge. Expecially when it comes to math. She isnt to much into reading right now. For awhile she really was wanting to do it all day long. NOw she is really concentrating on her numbers. She has also been writing lots, drawing lots and baking everyday. Yesterday she was working on some number stuff and it was asking her to count by 10, 2, and 5. She did them all with ease and then looked at me and asked me how she knew that. I shrugged becuase I dont know how she learnt to count by 2,5, and 10. Its crazy really. She learnt to multiply without even knowing she
Heather is alot like Tyler when it comes to book work. It really isnt her cup of tea. Sitting down really itsnt her cup of tea. Our journey is to find interesting ways for her to play that keep her engaged for longer thenn 5 mins. She is learning her letters right now, and how we got her doing that was by buying letter french fries. lol...sounds funny I know but it works. Every time she goes to eat one, she says the letter.
The imaginary play that happens everyday here is also a very cool thing to watch. Each of the children have their own little world that they go to and sometimes each of their own worlds intertwine with each others and THAT is even cooler.
on that note, I must go and get ready for the day.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yesterday was an ok day, after everything was said and done. Oliver (1) spent most of the morning not feeling well. We all spent most of the morning nursing him back to health. I love having the family and lifestyle we have on a good day but its really on the days when someone is sick that you get to see how close we all really are. I watched my children shower Oliver with love and kindness. Amazing to watch them heal him like tht.
The kids spent most of the day making things. Tyler started making a board game , and under water monoply type game.
I didnt realize how much actully goes into a game untill I sat and helped Tyler a little bit with his. Holay cow. He has a pretty good idea though. Ashleigh started making an aqurime out of cereal boxes and saren wrap. It looks pretty cool. I helped her make an octupus with red legs. She is now just waiting for the paint to dry so she can move onto putting things inside of it.
Heather worked on some pages of a workbook her papa and grandma got for her. She wanted to do some of the crafts in it. So we made a paper ladybug and added another page to her calender. She wanted to make her own calnder a few weeks ago, so she made one for September (she cut out things she wanted out of a magazine to decorate it) and yesterday we made one for October (she drew a tree and pasted buttons on it for leaves) that turned out really cool. It was alot of fun to make. Oliver spent some time colouring with Markers. He is really getting into that lately.
Heather also decided yesterday that she wanted to learn time. So we started that process as well. The kids spent some time outside playing and climbing trees. We went for a drive and noticed that one of the places near our house that use to all be lovley trees and marshes is slotted for building a crop of houses. We had a political discussion on what we could do to help and why nothing is being done. We also talked about levels of Government and who is is "power" right now and what changes need to be done. It was a really good honest discussion. My children are very in touch with their social surroundings and they all seem to have a social conscious. Thats nice to see.
Tyler made sushi for eveyone for lunch yesterday and he did an amazing job.
He is really getting the rolling down pat.
Ashleigh also spent some time working with numbers. I am not really sure how she was doing it but she was adding in her asked her how and she tried to explain it, but alas I didnt understand. BUT shes getting the right answer and it is HER way so all is good with the world. I should go and get the day started. The sun is coming up and I wanted to get dressed before the children wake.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A cold day...

I woke up this morning and I cannot believe how cold it is! We actully had the woodstove on again last night , wow the seasons they are changing.
We went on a road trip yesterday, no where really to go and no real destination but fun none the less. We ended up visiting humane socities all over the place. It was good times to see lots of different animals. It was hard not to take them all home with
We were on our way home when we saw a sign for free kittens, we took
We couldnt jsut take one (becuase there were two black ones and the matched lol) and that left one, well we couldnt leave the one on his own, so we took him too. Their adorable.
To daddys shock, we came home with three new cats. I told him it could have been worse being where we had
So now we have 27 chickens, 2 rabbits, one guinea pig , 2 dogs and 5
Love it.
Graham(DH) and Tyler went to a tree auction today. They have been gone all morning. Its pretty cool though becasue this local gardening shop is auctioning off all their trees (including fruit trees), last time I talked to them they had already bought 4 shrubs (lol). One was regularly 50.00$ and we got it for 8! woot! Tyler loves auctions and trying to figure out how high to bid. Good times. I am not sure when their going to be home, or how many trees we are going to end up with lol.
The girls and I have spent the day having some down time. Much needed down time. It has given me a chance to catch up with all my internet stuff and has given them time to jsut chill. We have been so busy as of late that it is really nice to take a load off. We have to go to the farm coop this afternoon adn get some more chicken feed, but thts not till later. PLus its so cold out , that we jsut really want to hunker down.
While I was cuddling with Oliver before bed last night, we started a game of touch the body part and clap. was so cute that it brings a smile to my face as I type
now when you ask him to find his nose, he touches it and claps. So very cute.
Ashleigh has really taken a liking to sewing last week. She made her very first pillow. she wants to mke a cloak, so I am looking for a pattern that will be easier to follow then the one I have. Yayy for fabric land having this closing sale. It sucks their closing , but boy do I ever love 65% off.
Well the babes up from his nap and I have a few things to do around this house. I will post later.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Been Awhile but...

It has been awhile since I have posted, but I have been re-inspired to really get going with this blog.
Yesterday was a good day. Grandpa was here and cut the lawn for us, we had a good visit. The chickens are up to laying about 15 eggs a day. It is so exciting for the kids. Heather expecially. She runs out to the coop about 4 times a day to check for eggs. She loves it. I am not sure if she has made the connection of egg from chicken = egg on spent some time at Grandma and Grandpas this week, he just came home yesterday. He said he had a lot of fun. I love that my parents are into taking the kids and spending time with time. It really means alot to the kids and I think its nice for the kids to get away from the hustle and bustle of a busy household. But I must say that Tyler was happy to get home. Ashleigh has been working alot on her math workbooks. She is doing amazing, though her constant work on math has really put her want to learn to read on the back burner. Thats fine though, because when she is ready it'll happen. I know this.
That being said, I have been struggling recently with how people feel about me as a mom and my family. Expecially my Grandmother and Parents. I dont think they understand what or why I do the things I do, or parent the way I do. I try to supply them with information about the way we do things, but they dont seem to be interested in reading the information I give to them. However they are very ready to tell me that I am doing things wrong or that I am not giving my kids the best. I wish that they could trust me. They are constantly telling me that I have to much on my plate and that becuase I have a big family is why I should send them to publis school.I dont think this is fair. I have my weak days. I must admit. I made the mistake of going to my dad for support last week and now he has nothing good to say about my choices. It makes me sad that I am not allowed to have weak days without hearing about it for weeks on end. My Grandma keeps insisting that I HAVE to get "fixed"..though another child is not in our cards, I am sure. Why does she feel like she has to talk to me all the time about the things I should do that I am not doing. Why cant she be proud of me for the things I am doing. Everyone, other then my family, that comes into contact with my kids, think their amazing...why cant my family feel the same way? Dont get me wrong I want them to be able to state their opinons, becasue its important to be able to do thatm but if their so interested in my well being and the kids well being why wont they read the information I set out for them.
I have learnt that I cannot go to my family if I am feeling overwhelmed. Thats sad.
That being said, maybe the thing that I have to work on is not allowing my family to make me second guess myself. Thats the key..
The kids are really loving living out here in the country. Its nice that they can run and run and run. I love that. The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are falling from the trees reminding us that winter is that far off. Summer has gone by so quickly this year. We were so busy that we hardly even noticed it.
We are still getting veggies from the garden. Amazing. I pulled out some carrots and turnip for dinner last night. They taste so much better out your own garden. I cannot wait till next year when our garden is even bigger.
I have decided that once a week I am going to post something about what I beleive in. I want to be able to put into words what it is I believe in pertaining to parenting and Unschooling and just being a good person.
At least then I will have my thoughts straight and documented. Next week it will be about TV and my thoughts about it. I will post it midweek.
Anyway, I am off to start the day. Be well and peace.
Phoenix and the fam

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First post in a new blog

It really sucks that we have to start a new blog. We have been using the other one for YEARS. but for some reason I cant get into it. Not for the life of me. So here we are.
Well we are moved. We are now on a 6 acre farm in Harwood and loving it. The peace out here is INCREDIABLE. I can hardly believe that were here. We got our 5o baby chickens a week ago now , and we are loving having them and learning about them. There is something to be said about Unschooling on a farm. There are just so many opprotunites for learning. There were a ton in the city too, but here, its just different. We love it. I am finding that my own deschooling is going alot smoother. Its amazing to me how many little hang ups I have.
We love unschooling.
Our days are filled with so many incrediable things. We spend so much time together and just being . Gosh, its amazing.
I am going to try and post here at least every other day....letting people know what were up to and what our plans are.
The Walkers